Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kidney Infection Pain

In order to eliminate waste the bodies main tool is the kidneys. They remove toxins and waste from the body. When there is an increased level of toxins in the body they may have a hard time dealing with the increased level and there can be kidney disease, infection and sometimes failure. It is important to deal with the infection pain early and quickly.

Often when you experience infection pain you will have a hard time determining if its kidney pain or if its back pain.

6 Kidney Infection Symptoms

If you are suffering from infection than you will likely be experiencing some of these symptoms including...

Pain while urinatingTraces of blood in the urineLower back ache which does not change based on your positionFeverChillsVomiting

Kidney infections can be potentially life threatening due to the bacteria that is affecting your kidneys moving into other organs. If the bacteria level is too high and the kidney infection continues to worsen you may experience kidney failure.

Eliminate Kidney Infection Pain

Here are 2 ways to eliminate infection and pain.

1. Drink lots and lots of water

Removing the toxins from your body is the easiest way

2. Minimize toxins in your diet

The fewer toxins you put into your system the less difficulty your kidneys will have with eliminating the remaining toxins. Giving your kidneys a break from the toxins in your diet will significantly help your kidneys quickly recover from a infection.

How to Tell if you Have Back or Kidney Pain


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