Monday, February 28, 2011

What Is Proteinuria

Proteinuria is a disease in which the afflicted person has an excess amount of serum proteins in their urine. Symptoms of Proteinuria are foamy urine. There are three causes of Proteinuria, one can be having a disease in the glomerulus, it can be caused by having an increased quantity of proteins in serum and the last cause is having a low reabsorption at proximal tubule.

The most common way to diagnose Proteinuria is by having a dipstick test done. These tests are not a foolproof way to diagnose Proteinuria; false negatives can be reported if the protein in the urine is composed mainly of globulins or Bence-Jones Proteins because of the reagent of the testing strips. Because of the frequency of false negatives being reported it is best to have the dipstick test done in a 24-hour urine collection test. This will give a more conclusive result as to the diagnosis of Proteinuria.

Proteinuria can be a sign of kidney damage. Because serum proteins are commonly reabsorbed into the system through urine, having an excess of protein in the urine can be a sign of the patient not being able to reabsorb proteins or there is a problem in the filtration of the proteins. Proteinuria is a common problem among diabetics. If Proteinuria is present it may be because the patient is diabetic, because they may not be aware that they are diabetic tests should be done to determine if the patient is indeed diabetic. If the test shows that they aren't, then further tests must be done to determine what is causing the excess protein in the urine.

Once the patient has been diagnosed as having Proteinuria, the next step is to begin treatment. If the cause of Proteinuria is diabetes, then the patient must begin treatment to regulate the patient's glucose levels. By treating the patient with diabetes medication, it may slow the progression of Proteinuria. After the patient has begun treatment, it is important that they continue to be tested to measure the levels of protein in their system. These periodic tests will help the doctors to see if the levels are under control or are increasing. If the levels are increasing the doctors may have to change the method of treatment that the patient is currently on. Once the treatment has begun the chances of controlling Proteinuria are very positive and the outlook is quite good.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Viral Diseases and Their Symptoms

The viral diseases occur due to an infection of virus. They are generally divided into two sections severe, uncomplicated and mild. Generally flu-like symptoms, cold, pain in the joints are the well-known viral symptoms.

The names of viral disease are many and it has affected numerous people around the world. The viruses are actually small microbes that can be seen only under a microscope. These viruses can spread and replicate in numbers as they enter in human body. These categories of viruses can infect small organisms, plants and animals. Viruses were first discovered in the year 1898. Since then, several kinds of viruses have been discovered. It has been observed that viruses can be found in every part of the ecosystem as per the environmental conditions and weather their categories are different. A viral disease happens when a virus enters a human body. It can happen if some one eat contaminated food, drink contaminated water or come in a contact with a contaminated person. The viral diseases can be divided into two different sections mild and severe. The cough and cold, viral flu like influenza generally happens to every one. Recently, the bird flu and H1N1 infection has been affected numerous people around the world as outbreaks. The diseases like chicken pox, shingles and HIV/AIDs are some of the severe viral infection. the viral infections can be severe if they are sexually transmitted. Some of the other severe viral diseases are HPV, Hepatitis A, B and C, mumps etc.

The person who suffers with a viral infection will suffer with fever, headaches, pain in the muscles, body aches, fatigue and infection in the upper respiratory tract. In a case of viral flu the person will suffer with malaise, chills, loss of appetite and shivering. Flu symptoms will also include nausea, vomiting and even diarrhea. A case of severe diarrhea, the illness medically termed as 'stomach flu'. The other viral symptoms can also be breathing problems. In a case of a viral infection occurred due to STD, a person will also suffer with many other kinds of health disasters.

In a test process, the medical experts go for blood tests like a CBC or a complete blood test. In this process, the doctors will see the count of White and Red blood cells. The other tests are cultural tests, where a doctor will take a sample of the infected body area to check the spread of the microorganisms. The samples are generally taken from the throat, blood and sputum from the lungs. It also includes lumbar puncture, which is also known as spinal tap. The medical experts take a little amount of cerebrospinal fluid or CSF for the test. The CSF that is taken for sample shows the existence of white blood cells and other categories of microorganisms. These kinds of tests are viral meningitis, viral pneumonia. The doctors also go for X-rays, MRI test and Computer Tomography or CT scan to verify the viral symptoms.

The viral diseases are treated through the doses of antibiotics or antiviral medications. Some of the antiviral drugs are Adefovir, Ganciclovir and Delaviridine. The Tamiflu was recently introduced as a medication for H1N1 infection. Some of the antiviral medications have severe side affects like rashes on the skin, headaches, diarrhea, malaise, chest pain and irregular heartbeats etc. The medications can also lead skin rashes.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Do We Need Friendly Bacteria?

"Friendly" bacteria live in all our guts and the amount varies from person to person. They help keep bad bacteria, such as e.coli, salmonella and yeast from growing in our intestines. Our western lifestyle of diets high in sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and refined grain actually promote lowered levels of this bacteria. Add to this stress and antibiotics, which actually kill the good bacteria along with the bad and there this all can lead to an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast.

Lack of friendly bacteria leads to stomach upsets, poor digestion, allergies, and illness, which are all symptoms of a compromised immune system. Without a storage of these western immune systems are left defenseless against an onslaught of ailments from bad bacteria and viruses.

Common symptoms reflecting an imbalance of bad bacteria are:

Recurrent vaginitisRecurrent viral and bacterial infectionsSore throat, itchiness in nose and/or earsFatigue and a sense of being "ill" or "drained"Digestive problems (such as bloating, gas, belching, diarrhea)

Probiotic complexes with Acidophilus supplements work to renew, maintain the storage of friendly bacteria, prevent yeast overgrowth, support and promote a healthy immune system. They also help the digestive system absorb nutrients and deliver them throughout the body, which provides needed energy and good health.

They work by depositing friendly bacteria directly into the lower intestines, which unite with whatever healthy bacteria, which are already there. Once this is replenished, the probiotic supplements with Acidophilus help maintain the friendly bacteria levels for overall health.

Many researchers also believe that probiotics may build up the immune system by triggering the production and activity of immune cells located in the tissues that line the intestinal and urinary tracts, the mouth and respiratory system. These are called "mucosal tissues", and are considered to be the body's first line of defense.

Here are four types of friendly bacteria that need to be in a good probiotic supplement

Lactobacillus bulgaricus helps the body break down certain enzymes such as lactose; this can aid the digestive process, particularly for people who are lactose intolerant. It has antibiotic properties, which can help prevent infections and prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms in the gut.

Lactobacillus acidopholus, or acido, is a strain of bacteria that creates large amounts of lactic acid from carbohydrates that aid in digestion.

Bifidobacterium Bifidum is a natural part of the human body, found mostly in the gastrointestinal tract, but it has also been found in the mouth, the vagina and in breast milk. It assists in building up the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, decreasing the chance of allergies, aiding in digestion and helping to prevent the effects of tumors in colon cancer.

It has also been very effective as a remedy for vaginitis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections and more.

Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria fights lactic acid bacteria that get in the way of proper digestion and cause stomach upsets. Streptococcus thermophilus has a soothing effect on symptoms of lactose intolerance by eliminating "bad" bacteria.


Q-Fever: A Barnyard Threat

When many people think about the nostalgic smell of a barn they imagine childhood, the outdoors, and quality meats. Few people however imagine that the barnyard dust they are inhaling might be carrying a bacteria which can lead to bone infection, chronic lung infection, heart damage, and even death. This bacteria is known as Q Fever.

This stealthy bacteria shows its presence through many diverse symptoms. It can present no symptoms at all or can last for up to four years. There are two different types of Q fever, acute and chronic. Acute Q fever can either present no symptoms, or can cause flu like symptoms, pneumonia, or even hepatitis. This variety of Q fever will normally clear up on its own in about two weeks. The much more serious variety of Q fever is called "chronic." Chronic Q fever often presents itself by affecting your liver, lungs, heart, and brain negatively. It can even lead to death. If a patient has already developed this chronic Q fever the outlook is bleak, but not hopeless. This patient would need to take antibiotics for up to four years and then keep in regular counteract with his doctor in case the Q fever causes complications.

This bacteria can be carried by many animals including most barnyard animals and household pets. It is excreted by these animals in any bodily fluid. It can be airborne if these fluids dry and turn into dust.

While Q fever will more likely affect men, there are things both men and women can do to prevent this possibly deadly disease. The biggest thing is to stay away from animals and animal products. If this is not possible try to stay away from the bodily fluids of animals and wear dust masks when around barnyard dust. In addition to these things you can also reduce your risk by only consuming pasteurized dairy products, washing hands, and using disinfectants. With these precautions taken, the barnyard can be both nostalgic and safe.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Diseases Due To Arthropods - Various Types Of Myiasis Causing Parasites

In general, the infection is of two types. Ectoparasitic (Auchmeromyia leuteola) and Endoparasitic (Cutaneous and Tissues or cavities). Examples of the cutaneous type are the Dermatobia hominis and Corylobia antrhopophaga. Examples of the Tissues or cavities type are the Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia, Fannia Oestrus, Chrysomia and Callitroga.

Deep Tissue Myiasis

Larvae of the flies belonging to the families Callitroga (Cochliomyia), Chrysomyia, Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia, Fannia and Oestrus invade tissues extensively when the eggs are laid on open wounds, damaged tissues or discharging surfaces, by the adult flies. The larvae of Wohlfartia can penetrate even unbroken skin. The lesions are commonly seen in the nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, middle ear and orbit. Cartilage and bone may also be destroyed by the screw shaped larvae which may extend intracranially leading to fatal meningitis. The lesions are very painful and the larvae may be discharged from these sites. Treatment is manual removal of larvae or extraction after spraying the area with chloroform. Repeated sessions may be necessary. Secondary infection has to be treated with broad spectrum antibiotics like ampicillin.

Ophthalmic Myiasis

Flies of the genus Chrysomyia and Oestrus may lay their eggs in the conjuctival sac. The larvae hatch out and produce lesions resembling acute conjunctivitis with severe irritation. Rarely corneal ulceration and loss of sight may occur. Removal of the maggot after anaesthetizing the eye and application of topical antibiotic drops will relieve the condition.

Intestinal Myiasis

The larvae or pupae of Musca, Fannia, Sarcophaga and Tubifera may be passed in stools or appear in vomitus. The eggs may be laid by the flies around the lips or anus while sleeping, especially if there are foul smelling discharges around these orifices. The larvae hatch out from a few hours to two days and are swallowed to reach the upper gastrointestinal tract or they may crawl up into the rectum and large intestine. They develop in the stomach or in the intestines. Sometimes, larvae may be swallowed along with infested food stuffs. The larvae cause symptoms of gastritis or colitis which may persist from weeks to months. If reinfection does not occur, the condition is self-limiting. Treatment consists of administration of purgatives and reassurance about the self-limiting nature of the illness.

Urinary Myiasis

Larvae of Muscae, Fannia or Sarcophaga may enter the bladder, when the eggs are laid around the external genitalia and produce symptoms of lower urinary tract infection with proteinuria, pyuria and hematuria. The larvae may pass in urine. Rarely urinary system may be involved by maggots eroding their way from the gastrointestinal tract.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Canker Sore Treatment - What Medicine Is the Best to Heal Cold Sores Fast?

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters are a group of small, painful, fluid-filled blisters, which usually erupt on the lip, gums or the roof of the mouth. The area of skin around the blister turns red, swollen and sore. The sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type1 and are contagious. There can be a pain, tingling or itching one or two days before the cold sores appear. The blisters then break open leaking a clear fluid and the scab over after a few days. All and all the sores can take up to two weeks to heal.

Most people having cold sores desire an early treatment, as other than pain, it can also be an embarrassing to develop such sores. They look for various ways to get rid of these sores fast and apply different skin creams, ointments or sometimes-even pills. There are certain antiviral medications that are used for treatment. However unknown to most there are two types of mouth sores, canker sore and a cold sore (fever blister). Although most of us are unaware of the fact that these are two separate medical conditions and usually treat them both as same. A proper identification of the sore will help you select the right remedy or treatment for the sores.

The first outbreak is worse than a reoccurrence and is generally treated with oral medications. The reoccurrence is treated with a topical medication. Abreva, Zovirax and Valacyclovir are a few medicines being prescribed for shortening the duration and treatment of the cold sores. Most of the cold sore sufferers choose the topical creams, tablets, liquid drops and lip balms and gels to treat. The cold sore relief gels are used for getting a temporary relief of pain and itching associated with the fever blisters. An amino acid lysine cream can be used at first sign of tingling to block and make the outbreak disappear quickly. Being both painful and unsightly, a fast working remedy becomes very important.

However it should be noted that with so many medicines and remedies available today, knowing the exact triggering factor will help you get the most accurate treatment. Natural and drug free methods have been seen to work in a more perfect way compared to other medicines. There are some natural remedies, which can learn by accessing various videos, ebook, diet book, and mp3's available in market or on websites.

The cold sore remedy will guide you towards all the steps that need to be taken for the treatment. Being a 100% natural drug free solution, these remedies are quite effective and are being recommended by many doctors and medical practitioners recommend to their patients. Rather than using an expensive prescription or over the counter drugs, use these easy to follow program for getting rid of the cold sores.


Restless Leg Syndrome Medication - Here Are the RLS Drugs You Should Be Aware Of

Finding the right restless leg syndrome medication can be a challenge. You could be one of the people who have tried self-help, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies without success. Or it could be that you have tried one of the medications noted here and found remission from your symptoms or, as too often happens, found that medications either produced little change or complicated matters through aggravating side effects. Many people go the medication route at the urging and guidance of their physicians. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this, unless you've taken a principled stand against medications. But if you're like many folks you haven't really considered the full scope of medications available for treating restless leg syndrome.

You may have to take a trial and error approach treatment with medications because there is no one specific medication that has been developed for restless leg syndrome, despite the fact that it is quite a pervasive syndrome, affecting up to 10% of the population. One of the extremely frustrating facts about RLS is that no two people seem to respond to treatment interventions the same way. With that in mind here is a review of some of the commonly prescribed medications.

Dopaminergic agents are often considered first because of the fact that they can supplement the levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is central to communication between nerve cells in the central nervous system, specifically those having to do with muscular movement. These medications can include Mirapex and Requip. Both of which are the brand names marketed through pharmacies and physicians.

A similar class of drugs includes the dopamine precursors. These medications are often used to control movement in Parkinson's patients. Medications are labeled under the name Sinemet.

Benzodiazepines, prescribed as a sedative, have often been prescribed for restless leg syndrome particularly, Klonopin. Other medications also under the benzodiazepines classification can include Xanax, Valium, and Restoril.

One class of drugs that have been around for quite some time but have potentially serious side effects includes the opiod narcotics. These are best used in low doses if at all, and include Darvon or Codeine. If you have very severe restless leg syndrome your physician might consider prescribing stronger drugs such as Percocet or Vicodin. However, you should be aware of the addictive qualities of these medications and of the fact that they can be overly sedating and also might lead to severe withdrawal symptoms.

Anticonvulsant medications, medications that help prevent seizure activity, have also been prescribed for restless leg syndrome. They have been shown to decrease restlessness, sensory abnormalities, and sleep disturbances. One of the medications for seizures, Tegretol, has often been prescribed for RLS. A recently developed medication, Neurontin has been prescribed more recently as there's some evidence that it might be more effective in individuals who are experiencing mild or moderate RLS with leg pain.

Muscle relaxants are still another classification of medications that have been used with RLS. These medications are thought to block nerve activity in the spinal cord thus helping to control symptoms of spasmodic jerking in the legs.

Now you can tell that there are a number of different drugs that have been under consideration for treatment of RLS. Unfortunately, the jury is still out as to which of these medications are most effective and it seems to be an individual response rather that dictates which is most effective in targeting the exact symptoms of restless leg syndrome. The other unfortunate aspect of all of these medications is that they all come with potential side effects. The side effects vary according to the individual, the dosage, and interaction with other drugs.

If you're suffering from RLS you need to ask yourself whether the risk is worth the potential rewards when it comes to medication. Naturally that can be answered only when you consider how much you're suffering from restless legs at the current time and your history when it comes to sensitivity to drugs. If you do attempt the route of prescribed medications expect that you might need to try different medications to see what kind of response you have. Monitor your response over a given time frame.

Some medications you will know right away are not for you. With others the changes may be more subtle or the benefits might outweigh any kind of consequence, such as weight gain, that you endure. Always work in conjunction with your physician. However, if your physician seems limited in their choice of medications, or only steer you down one path, realize that there are other potential remedies for restless leg syndrome that you can consider.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Symptoms And General Information On Appendicitis

What is the appendix? Essentially, it is a small "bag-like" item inside of the large intestine, which sometimes increases in size. It is a vestigial organ, meaning that it at one point served a purpose but basically is left over from evolution. It usually doesn't cause any problems but there are times when its opening point is closed due to a large amount of bowel material. Because of this bowel material, there can be bacteria which cause even more complicated and harmful effects. Due to this, the appendix may become inflamed and as a result, the patient feels a great pain in his abdomen. This condition is called appendicitis.

Generally, anyone can be affected, but the most frequently affected are those who are between the ages of 10 and 30. Extremely young children and very old people are far less likely to experience appendicitis. However, most you children that experience the pain from it cannot handle it because it is far too severe for them. The pain can last for 8 to 12 hours, but may persist longer in some cases. Generally, the final cure is surgery. If someone is prescribed medicine in order to decrease the pain, it often only works for a short period of time and then wears off afterwards. Once the effects of the medicine wear off, the pain starts again. Often, the pain is very sharp and extremely noticeable.

Symptoms of appendicitis may include, but are not limited to:

? The pain starts from the upper stomach part and it starts to move to the lower stomach.

? Pain lasts for 8 to 12 hours, and may continue even longer.

? Vomiting

? Loss of appetite

? Constipation

? Fever?

Home Treatment:

? You may be confusing appendicitis with some other issue. Perhaps you simply over-ate or had something which upset your stomach. Wait it out to see if there is sharp pain which persists for 8 or more hours.

? If you experience many of the symptoms, including, but not limited to fever, vomiting, decrease of appetite, constipation, and sharp pain, then definitely don't wait to head over to the hospital. Visit the doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent future problems.

? Do not take any medicine that is anti-constipation as this may cause the rupture of the appendix, making the issue likely to become even more complicated.

? Also, pain killers are not advised because they generally do not help the situation at all. In fact, they may worsen it altogether.

? Visit a doctor if you suspect that you have appendicitis.


Why Do I Get Heartburn?

Have you ever been occupied by the question "why do I get heartburn"? Why are all my colleagues are fine, but I am the one who is attacked by heartburn frequently? If questions like this, often come to your mind, then, I would advise you to please go through this article carefully. You might find your answer in this article.

One of the major reasons for getting attacked by heartburn again and again is your lifestyle. Your hectic lifestyle with no interaction with natural elements proves to be a big reason. You should take proper diet for having a control on acid reflux. You need to change your lifestyle for keeping in control your serious gastroesophageal disorder. Having some alterations and modifications in your life, can help you in controlling the conditions. If you have tried all these small scale changes, then, in that case, medicines can only be the left option.

According to a report, it has been researched that people are most prone to develop heartburn during night time. Night time is generally the time where most cases emerge. So, it all depends upon your eating habits in the later evening, that decides how much prone you are to heartburn. You should stop eating two to three hours before you go to sleep. You should avoid eating heavy food at night.

Your diet is the deciding factors in limiting your chances of getting attacked with heartburn. You are required to have a control on your eating habits. Substances which are acidic by nature should be avoided. Caffeinated drinks, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks should be a big no.

Often such foods taste good, but create problem later in stomach. They easily create acids in your stomach which then helps in developing acid indigestion like condition. Chocolates, spicy foods, citrus drinks, tomato based foods should be avoided. Such materials trigger the heartburn causing rate. Hence, it is highly advised that you avoid such foods at night. Small quantities however, can be taken at day time.

You should stop taking large quantities of food. Go for having small but frequent food. If possible, take light food at night time. This will restrict the load on your stomach and acid reflux can be easily avoided.

Hence, sometimes making some quick and easy alterations and modifications can make your life happy and merrier. However, if not much relief is achieved even by changing your lifestyle, then medicines are the only available solution.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Best Long Term Fibromyalgia Treatment Available Today

Fibromyalgia is a chronic (long-term) condition. It causes pain in your muscles, tendons and ligaments. Some medical researchers believe that it is caused by fatigue. However, whenever you are looking for the best treatment method, it is important to have a sure diagnosis first.

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

There are specific criteria set forth by the American College of Rheumatology that is used in diagnosing fibromyalgia. They include:

Widespread pain lasting three months or moreA minimum of 11 tender points (specific points on your body that when touched cause pain)Tests need to be done to eliminate other possible reasons that you are feeling this wayA complete medical history needs to be reviewed

Once you do receive a fibromyalgia diagnosis you will need to work closely with your doctor in order to find the best treatment for you. There are several options whenever it comes to medications (i.e. analgesics, antidepressants, anti-seizure medications) but you need to take a look at their potential side effects before making your choice.

Medications For Fibromyalgia

It is important to take a look at each of the different types of medications that are used for treating fibromyalgia. These include:

Analgesic pain relievers, which include over-the-counter drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (i.e. ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen) and prescription-strength medications too (i.e. Tramadol)Antidepressants (i.e. Amitriptyline, Duloxetine, Milnacipran) can help you sleep better and control painAnti-seizure medications (i.e. Gabapentin, Pregabalin), which were originally used in the treatment of epilepsy, can help with pain relief

Physical Therapy

Some doctors suggest that their patients undergo physical therapy. These exercises can help with both muscle balance and pain reduction. Hot and cold therapy is also sometimes used to help reduce pain. Some patients have also discovered that stretching exercises do help too.

Stress Management

Stress management is also really important. This can be done by meditation, tai chi or deep breathing exercises. Some patients will also need to cut back on strenuous activities. What it really comes down to is understanding your physical limits and acting accordingly. Of course, adequate sleep is also an important part of avoiding the severe fatigue that stress makes worse.

Mild Exercise

While you may think that exercise would be counterintuitive, it can actually bring relief. Some of the gentle exercises that are recommended include swimming, walking and tai chi. Initially this may make your symptoms worse but over time it will help to reduce them.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Treating Influenza With Prescription Drugs

Influenza, also known as flu, is a viral infection caused by a virus of the RNA family. There are 3 virus-types of flu - type 'A', type 'B' and type 'C'. The type 'A' virus is the most deadly and pandemic. Subtypes of influenza 'A' are H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2, out of which the H1N1 variety is medically tested to be the most dangerous to humans. The classification is made on the basis of 2 surface proteins - hemagglutinin (H) and neuramidase (N). So H1N1, for instance, means the virus contains hemagglutinin variation 1 and neuramidase variation 1.

Type 'B' and type 'C' variants are not so dangerous and they do not contain viruses that have antigenic features. So humans are usually able grow immune to these two types very early.

Treating influenza

Treatment of flu is very difficult because of the nature of the flu virus. The highly infectious flu viruses are mutable. So they keep changing genetically, giving very little time for drugs to act quickly and effectively. Once infected, the viruses multiplies in living cells via viral binding. The flu virus travels through air and also through body contact. The World Health Organisation has approved Tamiflu as a preventive and therapeutic medicine for the treatment of influenza. Relenza is another medicine which is applied for treating flu. But Relenza is contraindicated for people who have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Tamiflu, manufactured by Roche Pharmaceuticals, is an effective prescription medicine for prevention and treatment of influenza. It has oseltamivir as its active ingredient. The medicine has been proven effective for treating human flu, bird flu and swine flu. Available in doses of 75mg, the drug prevents flu by attacking the base of the flu virus, preventing it from multiplying. If applied for flu prevention, Tamiflu oseltamivir kills the virus with the help of body proteins. The medicine should be taken as follows:

within 48 hours from the outbreak of symptomsthe entire course of treatment must be completedfor treatment, the recommended dose is 75mg capsules twice a day for 5 daysfor prevention, the recommended dose is a capsule daily for minimum of 10 days

If you take the medicine within 48 hours from noticing the first symptoms, you're likely to get relief from the flu symptoms.


Relenza is a powerful antiviral medicine intended for providing relief from the symptoms of influenza. It should work effectively for swine flu, bird flu and common flu. The medicine comes in a powdery form, to be inhaled twice every day for five days or once every day day for 28 days. The treatment should start either as soon as or no later than two days from the symptoms appear.

You should not take Relenza if you are allergic to Zanamivir or any of the active ingredients the medicine contains. Stop taking the medicine if you gasp for breath and waste no time in calling your doctor.

Webmaster associated with online clinic "HealthExpress" this site provides various information on Tamiflu & Relenza and helps people in curing Influenza, resources are available on site

Article Source:


Inflammatory Bowel Disease - An Immune System Disorder That You Don't Get If You Smoke?

Inflammatory bowel disease is a catchall that describes certain strange and troublesome stomach conditions with names like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Why are these strange? Anytime a disease comes with the name of a scientist attached, you know that there is something about it that is out of the ordinary. And sure enough, inflammatory bowel disease certainly is a mystifying problem - not only is it something you live with your whole life once you get it, coming under the species of an autoimmune disorder as it does, most regular attempts at a cure elude both doctors and those who suffer from it. What does it feel like to have IBD? The abnormal immune reaction that your body reacts with gives you diarrhea, bleeding down there, cramping, a fever, tiredness with no end and most disturbing of all, terrible complications that can require that you go in for surgery to be relieved of your colon.

So what exactly causes inflammatory bowel disease? As far as scientists can tell, it comes to you for reasons of an inscrutable combination of environmental factors and unfortunate genetic disposition. Let's look a little more closely at what kinds of things can actually set off an attack.

For some reason, traditionally, it is people who live in the West who usually come down with IBD. If you happen to live in Europe or North America, you run a higher risk of an association with the disease. What could it be about living in these places? It could be a kind of diet the culture in these places have or it could be something to do with the way smoking and drinking are a part of the culture in the West. Interestingly enough, that's only how it has traditionally been. A new development points to how it isn't anything to do with geographical location. The disease affects those in other parts of the world who Pick a westernized culture by choice - places like Japan, Latin America or the Far East. Of late, these parts of the world have reported such a great spurt in the number of people coming down with IBD each year. Surprisingly, inflammatory bowel disease can also have a lot to do with how in the West, we place a great deal of importance on cleanliness and sanitation. Doctors and scientists suspect that the body doesn't really take well to being denied a little bit of natural dirt in the environment.

Scientists notice that there are other factors that seem to affect the course a case takes as well. For instance, the earlier in life someone gets the disease, the more doctors suspect that genetic predisposition has something to do with it. And the prognosis can be pretty grave - a serious lifelong affliction. How about smoking? The moment you hear about a stomach disorder and smoking, you're probably ready to jump to the conclusion that smoking can only make it worse. With inflammatory bowel disease though, the connection isn't quite as simple as that. With one kind of IBD, ulcerative colitis, smokers actually have it better than non-smokers - they are at a lower risk of getting it. But it doesn't really do you any good getting lucky with the one kind when you are about to get unlucky with the other. With Crohn's disease, your risk multiplies if you smoke.

As with all autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel disease can be terribly difficult to track down.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Genetic Testing - How It Can Predict Your Future Health

Getting genetic testing, can unlock what your future health conditions may be, but before you decide to decode your genomes it is important that you consider the benefits and risks. In the following article we will discuss the benefits and cons of genetic testing, and how you can safeguard your privacy rights as a patient.

Researchers also are concerned that people who are found to have genetic alterations that increase disease risk may face job and insurance discrimination. Testing positive could also lead to unnecessary radical treatment. As well, a seemingly hopeless diagnosis could result in depression or withdrawal from life when a cure is out of reach.

In the final analysis, would you rather know if you were at risk for a specific disease that a genetic test could point out? If so, ask your physician about the possibility and wisdom of testing you for the genetically linked diseases in your family tree. In this way, you can identify and avoid the controllable risk factors that would contribute to development of genetically linked diseases present in your family.

Genetic testing for disease susceptibility will be more common in the future as the genes that increase risk for various diseases are isolated and deciphered. Sometimes organs within a system can serve another system. For example, the basic function of the digestive system is to convert the food we eat into absorb able nutrients. At the same time, the digestive system serves the immune system by preventing dangerous pathogens from invading the body and causing illness. As you study nutrition, you will note the multiple roles played by many organs.

So naturally the question is would it be more beneficial to get genetically tested and find out your risk factors or avoid genetic testing due to health insurance reasons or negative repercussions over being tested. The obvious answer would be that if you can have an insight into your healths, than the benefits far outweigh the risks, and in the United States there are plenty of laws that protect patient's rights. Additionally, there are now do it yourself kits available at your local pharmacy that you can send of your sample to get genetically decoded and viewable online anonymously. So, if you are afraid that your data might be leaked to your insurance company, or you do not want to have any record of getting genetic testing this is also a very viable option.

Whatever your choice, the benefits today with genetic testing are highly beneficial to anyone's health, however you should remember that they only serve as genetic markers, meaning that just because you have a high likelihood of suffering a disease it doesn't mean you will. One of the biggest obstacles many doctors face today comes from patients treating themselves- i.e. they go online and try to diagnose their illnesses and can do more harm than good. The opportunity for a patient to have access to such vast genetic testing information, can actually be not good for your health, if you do not discuss those results with a medical professional, and instead try to self diagnose or worse cure your ailments, that you may never get. For these reasons, it is highly suggested that even if you opt to get a do it yourself genetic testing done, that you consult with your doctor about the testing results and do not take your health into your own hands.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chickenpox Symptoms And What You Can Do To Soothe The Itch

Chickenpox symptoms typically present as hundreds of fluid-filled blisters that are very itchy and can appear anywhere on the body. Chickenpox (a.k.a.Varicella) is a highly contagious viral disease and though this has long been considered a childhood disease, the same virus (herpes zoster) can cause a condition called shingles in an adult.

Chickenpox Symptoms And Causes

The typical child will present with signs of general illness a day or two before breaking out in the itchy, fluid-filled blisters typically associated with the chickenpox. These early symptoms may include a fever, headache, stomach upset or ache, or loss of appetite. During this one to two day period the child is contagious to others.

Within a couple of days, a child will break out in hundreds of small, itchy red spots and blisters. These blisters typically appear on the face, trunk or scalp first before spreading to other areas of the body. The blisters change over the next few days to form a crusty scab as new blisters continue to form, springing up in groups for a few more days. Blisters can form in the mouth, vagina and on the eyelids.

Chickenpox is caused by an infection of the Herpes zoster virus through direct contact with the fluid from a chickenpox blister or airborne particles from an infected person's cough or sneeze. After exposure to the virus, it will commonly take between 10 to 21 days for the pox to appear.

Chickenpox Diagnosis And Treatment

This viral infection is typically diagnosed through the observation of the aforementioned symptoms. If there is any question about the diagnosis, the presence of the illness can be confirmed by a physician using blood tests or a test of the blisters.

Treatment may involve simply waiting for the virus to run its course, which typically happens within 2 weeks. After exposure to the virus it will remain dormant or asleep in the person's body for a lifetime. However, the virus can re-emerge in adulthood resulting in shingles.

A child should avoid any contact with other children until the pox have crusted over and dried completely.

To help soothe itching a person can use cool compresses, calamine lotions or topical anesthetic ointments, or an oatmeal bath in lukewarm water. An oral antihistamine may also help ease the intense itching associated with this illness.

A medical doctor may use antiviral medications for those with additional risk factors such as older (adult or teen) patients or those with complicating conditions (i.e. eczema, lung conditions, weakened immune systems)

Excess heat and sweating should be avoided and the child should be discourage from scratching. Acetaminophen may be used to decrease fever and discomfort. Avoid aspirin entirely when dealing with a viral infection such as chickenpox.

The introduction of the chickenpox vaccine has made classic chickenpox in children less common. Those with the vaccine may still get a mild version of the illness and will be contagious to others.

Scarring is not common unless the pox became infected from scratching.


What You Need To Know About Hemorrhoids

It is difficult to pin point symptoms of hemorrhoids because there are so many of them that all depend on how severe your case is and what is causing your condition. Making hemorrhoids disappear fast is your goal regardless of what caused them to begin with. The best thing you can do is gain an understanding of your condition so that you can prevent it in the future. Read on for some help with the symptoms associated with hemorroids.

Most people think hemorrhoids is a single condition but there are actually two types, internal and external, and varying degrees of severity, from first to fourth degree. The biggest difference is between the internal and external type, as when you have internal hemorrhoids they are not visible without a medical examination. If you only experience hemorrhoids once in a while, and they don't cause you major discomfort then you should be able to treat them with an anti-inflammatory from the pharmacy.

Your doctor can verify if you have hemorrhoids by listening to your symptoms, going over your medical history and examining you. If necessary, your doctor may want to examine you using an anoscopy which is just a means of visible inspection that illuminates the affected area in your anus/rectum. Once hemorrhoids are confirmed by your doctor, then certain measure will be discussed to reduce or manage them. If a condition warrants surgery, then that is a possibility; but perhaps in most people only certain changes are needed in order to effectively manage hemorrhoids. Also, there are alternative remedies that can be found which can be effective, as well.

There are certain times when a person suffering from hemorrhoids should seek medical attention. Those that take anticoagulants, as an example, should not take any over the counter medication for hemorrhoids before talking to their doctor. Bleeding regularly should be checked out by a physician as soon as possible. Some symptoms get mistakenly attributed to hemorrhoids. If, for example, you are experiencing and abdominal pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, because this is not a symptom of hemorrhoids. On some cases, people develop hemorrhoids because of obesity or because of eating a poor diet, especially one that is lacking in fiber. Being dehydrated and not exercising regularly can also lead to hemorrhoids. These factors contribute to constipation, too, which has been associated with hemorrhoids. You may be able to avoid future hemorrhoids problems with certain changes to your lifestyle. Regular exercise, more fiber, and increasing the amount of water you drink will all help. These lifestyle changes will help you gain control over the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

No person in their right mind would ever want to experience hemorrhoids. However, they are a prevalent condition that many people have to cope with at some point in their lives. Sometimes surgery is needed to alleviate the more severe conditions of hemorrhoids, but usually the condition is easy to manage. If you have or develop this condition, then you should move quickly to immediately begin treating it so it doesn't worsen.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Can Stem Cell Therapy Bring Improvements for Parkinson's?

The human race has been facing many fatal diseases since the existence of life. With the passage of time, people got cures for the disease as well. Even in today's world there are diseases which are considered incurable. Scientists are working day and night in order to get treatment for the incurable diseases. Parkinson's disease are among those diseases which were considered incurable in the past due to which people had to suffer a lot. But with the introduction stem cell therapy, this disease is also considered to be curable. Stem cell therapy for Parkinson does ensure successful Parkinson's treatment.

Parkinson is a neurological disorder. It has symptoms like lack of motor coordination, shaking stiff muscles, insomnia, confusion, decreased dexterity, tremors and memory loss etc. As it is a chronic disease, it has been creating severe problems for the people all around the world. Now with the help of stem cell therapy for Parkinson's, people can eliminate this disease in a safe and easy way.

In this procedure stem cells are injected in a body to ensure healing of the damaged cells with the help of production of new cells. Stem cells are those cells which are immature and have the ability to adapt to their surroundings and then develop into other types of the cells. These cells come from a woman's placenta right after she has given birth. When these cells are injected in the body, they get dispersed and start working and multiplying. These cells get facilitation from the blood and start producing new cells. These new cells replace the damaged or ill cells and ultimately, heal the body from disease. In this way stem cell therapy for Parkinson helps the person in getting cure form this chronic disease.

This concept was encouraged when it was proved that brain cells have the ability to regenerate. By following this concept, the medical scientists tried to apply stem cell therapy for Parkinson's. Luckily they were successful and now this technique is considered to be one of the best ways of curing this disease. One thing which people may face will be that this treatment is not readily available around the world. For this purpose one will have to travel to other countries. Many of the families may not be financially strong enough to arrange a medical tour for them. Because of this, many good and caring people on the web have come to rescue and helped to raise funds.It is a treatment in which a person gets rid of the disease without any kind of surgery or operation and their success rates are higher plus there are no side effects or risk.

There is no doubt that this concept for the treatment of many diseases has faced many controversies but still physicians are using this method for the treatment of different chronic diseases. If people only keep in mind that this technique helps in saving lives of people then they would forget all the controversies. In life there will always be controversy; especially when something new is introduced. Stem cell therapy for Parkinson is now a trust worthy and successful way of getting rid of this disease. More and more people will be benefiting from this technique.


Fibromyalgia Symptoms Checklist - Know Now If You Have Fibromyalgia

The American College of Rheumatology estimates that between 2 to 4% of the population is afflicted by fibromyalgia today. There are several things that are used in properly diagnosing this syndrome.

Symptoms Associated With Fibromyalgia

No two patients with fibromyalgia will present with the same symptoms. However, there are some symptoms that do commonly occur within the majority of patients. These symptoms include:

Widespread muscle painCrampingSpasmsTender points (these are used as one of the many diagnostic tools)Fatigue (can be moderate to severe but it affects approximately 90% of patients)Decreased energyNumbness or tingling in arms and legsSleep disorders such as insomniaProblems with memory and concentrationDifficulty completing simple mental tasksSensitivity to bright light (photophobia)Sensitivity to various medicationsSensitivity to heat and coldSensitivity to odors and fragrancesSensitivity to noiseSensitivity to foodsDepression (approximately 25% of patients deal with this)Abdominal painEither diarrhea or constipationIncontinence (an increase in urinary frequency or urgency)An irritable bladderJaw and facial tendernessTMJHeadaches or migrainesFeeling either dizzy or light-headedPainful menstruationReduced ability to tolerate exerciseStiffness after being in one position too long or whenever you first wake up

Fibromyalgia Tender Points

One of the diagnostic tools that are used in diagnosing fibromyalgia are the tender points. In order to be diagnosed as having fibromyalgia you will need to have at least 11 of the following 18 tender points. According to the Mayo Clinic these are as follows:

Back of your headBetween your shoulder bladesTop of your shouldersFront sides of your neckUpper chestOuter elbowsUpper hipsSides of your hipsInside your knees

Related Health Concerns

Since so many of fibromyalgia's symptoms can be indications of other health concerns, it is possible that you may have something other than fibromyalgia or a health condition that overlaps it. This is something that your doctor will need to consider, which is why they may require additional testing before making a diagnosis. Some of these other health conditions include:

Chronic fatigue syndromeDepressionIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS)TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)LupusEndometriosisRheumatoid arthritisMigrainesOsteoarthritisRestless Leg SyndromeDiabetes


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Women Should Not Eat Too Much or Too Little

When women feel tired, they usually eat a lot of food to supplement physical energy so as to maintain the normal activities. At the same time, some women refuse to eat too much, as they want to lose weight by decreasing the diet. In fact, women should not eat too much or too little, or the physical health can be seriously threatened and the aging can be accelerated.

If women always eat too much during the dinner, a kind of special substance in the brain can be seriously increased and accumulated inside the brain to cause cerebral arteriosclerosis. After a long time, the brain cells can be seriously destroyed because of the lack of oxygen. The brain functions will be decreased and dementia can be caused. What's more, the extra food will be accumulated inside the intestines. They can be dissolved into toxic substances by the bacteria. 

If these toxic substances are absorbed by the human body, they can hurt the central nervous system to disturb the normal thinking and decrease the intelligence. In addition, the excessive food can increase the burden of the digestive system to cause indigestion. The food will become bad inside the intestinal tract, which can stimulate the intestinal wall and even induce carcinoma of colon.

If women always eat too little, their health can also be seriously threatened. The supplementation of protein and fat can not be supplied adequately, which can hurt the hair. Alopecia can even be caused because of the lack of essential nutrients like iron. The secretion of estrogen inside the female bodies with light weight is not adequate. Then the integration of calcium and bones will be affected to cause osteoporosis. In addition, such women are also easy to be tortured by inappetence and flatulence which are the symptoms of gastroptosis. 

The gastroptosis can even cause ptosis of other internal organs like liver, kidney and colon. The inadequate absorption of nutrients can also cause the inadequate supplementation of hemopoietic substances like iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. At the same time, the basal metabolic rate can also be decreased to affect the gastric and intestinal movement and decrease the secretion of gastric juice. All these results can cause anemia.

Therefore, women should not eat too much or too little in daily life, or the physical health can be seriously affected. It is beneficial for women to maintain a balanced diet so as to improve their health effectively.

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