As I have recently discovered, chronic sinusitis treatment options are many and varied. After much digging, I wanted to share some of the treatment tips that I had read about while browsing the web. I can not vouch for most of these, so do your own digging before you actually try any of them out!
Let's start with a nice simple one. Water! Drinking plenty of fresh water each day is always a positive thing to do. And if it can help your condition a little? All the better.
I've read that there is an enzyme within pineapples that are anti-inflammatory, named "bromelain." As one of the symptoms of chronic sinusitis is swelling in and around the nasal passages, perhaps there would be benefit in eating pineapples and drinking pineapple juice? If this would indeed reduce the swelling, you'll soon know!
Avoid Alcohol.
I'm told that alcohol can induce further swelling in the nasal passages and sinuses. So if you find your condition is worse after a few drinks, you now know why. It might be a good idea to stick to soft drinks until you clear up the sinusitis.
Cleaning The Nasal Passages.
To help you breathe easier, you can always take steps to clean your nasal passages. This is something you could do once or twice a day, depending on the severity of your condition. You can use a saline solution for this, which you'll easily find at any pharmacy. Alternatively there are home-made solutions that a quick online search will confirm.
Another effective way to help clear your sinuses, and open up the channels (as it were) is by steaming. If you pour boiling water into a bowl and hold your face above it, the steam that rises can be very soothing. Pop a towel over your head so that you trap the steam around your face, and gently breathe in, allowing the steam to enter and work its magic in your nasal passage and sinuses. I recommend a couple of minutes, then have a break...and repeat a few more times. Be sure you don't get too close to the hot water! If you find it too hot, adjust your towel so that you have more of the air around you. Or don't use a towel at all until the water has dropped a few degrees.
Rubbing Your Feet?
Now this one sounds odd! The theory is that rubbing your feet will enhance your blood flow around your body. This is said to help decrease the swelling and build-up, so much so that you should find you can breathe more easily. Perhaps you should try this for yourself! Try rubbing your feet about twice daily and see what you think.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
I've read that inhaling apple cider vinegar can open up the sinuses. But I also read that over doing this may damage the mucus membrane. So do keep that in mind!
Educate Yourself Before Trying Any Chronic Sinusitis Treatment Remedies!
I think it is a great idea to keep an open mind and do your own research before trying any treatments you read on the net. That said, you'll find they are mostly innocent enough, and that the worse that could happen is that the treatment doesn't provide you the relief you hoped!
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