Friday, February 18, 2011

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Checklist - Know Now If You Have Fibromyalgia

The American College of Rheumatology estimates that between 2 to 4% of the population is afflicted by fibromyalgia today. There are several things that are used in properly diagnosing this syndrome.

Symptoms Associated With Fibromyalgia

No two patients with fibromyalgia will present with the same symptoms. However, there are some symptoms that do commonly occur within the majority of patients. These symptoms include:

Widespread muscle painCrampingSpasmsTender points (these are used as one of the many diagnostic tools)Fatigue (can be moderate to severe but it affects approximately 90% of patients)Decreased energyNumbness or tingling in arms and legsSleep disorders such as insomniaProblems with memory and concentrationDifficulty completing simple mental tasksSensitivity to bright light (photophobia)Sensitivity to various medicationsSensitivity to heat and coldSensitivity to odors and fragrancesSensitivity to noiseSensitivity to foodsDepression (approximately 25% of patients deal with this)Abdominal painEither diarrhea or constipationIncontinence (an increase in urinary frequency or urgency)An irritable bladderJaw and facial tendernessTMJHeadaches or migrainesFeeling either dizzy or light-headedPainful menstruationReduced ability to tolerate exerciseStiffness after being in one position too long or whenever you first wake up

Fibromyalgia Tender Points

One of the diagnostic tools that are used in diagnosing fibromyalgia are the tender points. In order to be diagnosed as having fibromyalgia you will need to have at least 11 of the following 18 tender points. According to the Mayo Clinic these are as follows:

Back of your headBetween your shoulder bladesTop of your shouldersFront sides of your neckUpper chestOuter elbowsUpper hipsSides of your hipsInside your knees

Related Health Concerns

Since so many of fibromyalgia's symptoms can be indications of other health concerns, it is possible that you may have something other than fibromyalgia or a health condition that overlaps it. This is something that your doctor will need to consider, which is why they may require additional testing before making a diagnosis. Some of these other health conditions include:

Chronic fatigue syndromeDepressionIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS)TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)LupusEndometriosisRheumatoid arthritisMigrainesOsteoarthritisRestless Leg SyndromeDiabetes


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